Ceremony held in honor of newly elected leadership of National Youth Alliance

Youth & student leaders vow to work together for better future of the youth

national youth allaince

Minhaj Youth League hosted a dinner in honor of the newly elected leadership of the National Youth Alliance. The event saw significant participation from leaders of youth and student organizations. Central President of Minhaj Youth League, Rana Waheed Shehzad, Central President of Mustafavi Students Movement, Sheikh Farhan Aziz, and other leaders welcomed the leaders of the National Youth Alliance.

Meher Saddam Hussain Padhyar, General Secretary of the National Youth Alliance, was the special guest of the event. On this occasion, the young leaders decided that all youth and student organizations in Pakistan would work together to provide the best educational facilities, reduce unemployment, and strive for a stable future for the youth.

Youth leaders also resolved to address youth issues collectively through the platform of the National Youth Alliance. They emphasized the need to work together to eliminate extremism, corruption, and unemployment.

Central President of Minhaj Youth League, Rana Waheed Shehzad, thanked the participants for their attendance and highlighted the manifesto of the National Youth Alliance, stressing the importance of joint efforts for a better future for the youth. He mentioned that if we do not think better for the coming generations, our present, past, and future can never improve. He emphasized that youth are our future’s valuable asset and that the country's prosperity and future are tied to the younger generation. He insisted on planning better for the coming generations, formulating policies for the youth’s better future, and ensuring their implementation to achieve positive outcomes.

Central President of Mustafavi Students Movement, Sheikh Farhan Aziz, pointed out that the difference between developed and developing countries lies in education. He stressed that if we want to join the ranks of developed countries, there is a need to increase the budget and focus on education to make the role of educational institutions more effective. He stated that urgent steps must be taken to reduce the lack of education in Pakistan and that increasing the educational budget is essential to foster the spirit of education.

He further mentioned that to make the country developed, education must be promoted. He said that the Mustafavi Students Movement, under the guidance of Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, has been striving for the promotion of education and character-building of students for three decades. He proposed that 5% of the GDP should be allocated to education.

The event was attended by leaders from Muslim League Youth Wing (Q), Mustafavi Students Movement, People's Youth Organization, Insaf Students Federation, Ahl-e-Hadith Youth Force, Muslim Students Organization, Awami Youth Movement, Ahl-e-Hadith Students Force, Pakistan United Youth, Insaf Youth Organization, and JUI Youth (S).
